Thursday, June 5, 2014

SHINee Songs as Answers

Hello Randomers!!

So While browsing my tumblr account I found one post where i tried to answer some questions using SHINee Songs...

So here is the post :)
tell me what you think ;)
Group: SHInee

(got the questions from kissme-you-inspirit-of-a-shawol in tumblr :] she used Songs so i tried to answer it using SHINee songs ^^ )

Are you a male or female: I’m a SHINEE GIRL

Describe yourself: REAL

Occupation: as of now im just a SENORITA XD (still looking fo a job hahahha)

How do you feel: WOWOWOW

Describe where you currently live: SHINEE WORLD

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: i will go to the BEST PLACE maybe IN MY ROOM

Your favorite form of transportation: something that goes UP&DOWN like a SEESAW ( XD )

Your best friend is: She is JULIETTE

You and your best friends are: but we are STRANGERs

What’s the weather like: its complicated like FOUR SEASONS in ONE

Favorite time of day: night, no ALARM CLOCK

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: ALWAYS LOVE

Your fear: LOVE PAIN

What is the best advice you have to give:
live LIFE, make LOVE LIKE OXYGEN dont be afraid to START and say HELLO, be SHERLOCK look for CLUEs andNOTEs when you find them Y.O.U will know THE REASON why LOVE SHOULD GO ON and LOVE STILL GOES ONand then be happy.

Thought for the Day: i want to SHOUT OUT THE NAME I LOVE Choi Minho!

My soul’s present condition: it’s BETTER
My motto: READY OR NOT you should GET IT for life is just FOREVER OR NEVER

I think The advice that I gave is really nice hahahah XD