Thursday, June 6, 2013

Experiment: Ampalaya (bitter melon) con Carne Kimbap ~^^

Hello randomers! :)
This random day i would like to share to you a random thing I've done hahahah ^^
Let's start!
So i'm really a big fan of Kimbap not just because I'm  a Big fan of Kpop and Korean Culture but because it really taste good ~ ^^
For those of you who doesn't know what KimBap is, it's just the Korean version of Japanese sushi :)
The first time i made Kimbap was last year using spicy tuna and crab meat and I think the taste is not bad for a first timer like me :))

Yes, you can also roll it like a cone if you don't want to put some effort in rolling it the way its supposed to be rolled :))
Usually koreans put some vegetables like cucumber, carrots and radish inside. Also they sometimes eat it with kimchi :)  

So since it's been a while after my first try, i planned to make a kimbap . So i bought some roasted seaweed sheet, how ever i don't have ingredients like tuna, crab meat and the vegetables. The only ingredients i have was ground beef and bitter melon :)) So i decided to make a Ampalaya (bitter melon) con carne Kimbap! \(^^)/
If you are quite doubtful if i can still call it kimbap since my fillings or the ingredients i used are different my answer is YES! you can still call it kimbap regardless the ingredients you put inside the roll, why? Kimbap stands for  Kim (Rice) Bap (sheet of dried seaweed) or simply Seaweed Rice, so whatever ingredients you put inside as long that you roll it with rice and dried seaweed sheet, you can still call  it kimbap :) Also kimbap has different variations depending on the fillings ;)

Okay so I cooked, the bitter melon with the ground beef and add some oyster sauce for flavor ^^

Rolled it ~

Then DONE!!

The taste was quite surprising, why? because its so good! I actually didn't expect that the flavor of the bitter melon will fuse greatly with the seaweed hahahah :) So if you're going to ask me if i'll do this again my answer would be DEFINITELY YES! :D

Some of my "I'm gonna eat you now!" pics LOL


until next time randomers! Have a GOOD DAY!